Kazakistan Dünya Ticaret Örgütüne girmeye hazırlanıyor. Bunun için
yapilan atılımların ticareti kolaylaştırıcı etkisi olacağı öngörülmüş.
Kazinform'un haberi aşağıda.
Kazakhstan has made one more step towards the WTO
Astana. March 3. KAZINFORM. The chief reason of passing the Law on Technical Regulation is the upcoming entering the WTO. One of the terms of membership is bringing the national legislation into conformance with the WTO rules. Galymzhan Dugalov, Director General, of Kazakhstani Institute of Standardization and Certification, reported of this today during the briefing. "In connection with soon joining the WTO President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law on Technical Regulation in November of 2004. The law establishing the legal basics of technical regulation will come in effect 13 May. In Russia such law has been effective for more than a year. "Our institute was also involved in working out of this law. Introduction of this law will reduce bylaws having lessened the state control."
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