Yukardaki harita Kazakistan'ın bölgelere göre nüfus yoğunluğunu gösteriyor. Açık renk nüfusun seyrek, koyu ise yoğun olduğu bölgeleri simgeliyor. Haritadan en seyrek nüfusun Aktau, en yoğun nüfusun Çimkent bölgesinde olduğunu, Atırau bölgesinin ise orta yoğunlukta nüfus barındırdığı bilgisini ediniyoruz.
Kazinform'un duyurduğu aşagıdaki habere göre Kazakistan'ın nüfusu 1 Ocak 2005 itibarıyla 15 milyonu geçmiş. Habere göre nüfusun 9 milyona yakını şehirlerde 6.5 milyonu kırsalda yaşıyor. Haberde nüfus dinamikleriyle ilgili başka veriler de var.
Kazakhstani population reached 15 074 200
Almaty. March 1. KAZINFORM.
By 1 January of 2005 population of Kazakhstan had reached 15 074 200, including 8 594 900 urban citizens and 6 479 300 rural residents. Population density countrywide amounted to 5,5 people per one sq. km., says the Statistics Agency. During the year the population of the country increased by 123 000 people (by 0.8%). The growth was chiefly promoted due to birth rate growth and immigration and reduction of mortality and emigration. Population growth was registered in 9 oblasts of the republic and the cities of Almaty and Astana. The highest growth was fixed in Southern Kazakhstan (43 200 people) and Almaty (33 900 people). The biggest loss of population was observed in Eastern Kazakhstan (13 400 people) and Northern Kazakhstan (8 700 people). The highest growth of population was registered in Astana and Almaty (by 3.7% and 2.9%) and in Mangystau, Almaty, Atyrau, South-Kazakhstani and Aktobe oblasts.
Almaty. March 1. KAZINFORM.
By 1 January of 2005 population of Kazakhstan had reached 15 074 200, including 8 594 900 urban citizens and 6 479 300 rural residents. Population density countrywide amounted to 5,5 people per one sq. km., says the Statistics Agency. During the year the population of the country increased by 123 000 people (by 0.8%). The growth was chiefly promoted due to birth rate growth and immigration and reduction of mortality and emigration. Population growth was registered in 9 oblasts of the republic and the cities of Almaty and Astana. The highest growth was fixed in Southern Kazakhstan (43 200 people) and Almaty (33 900 people). The biggest loss of population was observed in Eastern Kazakhstan (13 400 people) and Northern Kazakhstan (8 700 people). The highest growth of population was registered in Astana and Almaty (by 3.7% and 2.9%) and in Mangystau, Almaty, Atyrau, South-Kazakhstani and Aktobe oblasts.
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